Like No One's Watching
I have been thinking of starting a freeform public journal for quite some time now.
For over three years, I have been writing and publishing articles regularly on my primary blog, Hulry.
Over those years, I've refined and streamlined the niche of articles I publish at Hulry and a specific writing style that bodes well with the audience I've gathered.
Although this is a fantastic spot to be in where you connect with others who find your work helpful and enjoy your writing, it also brings a particular set of rules.
Rules that I've set for myself to meet the quality levels and presentation of what I write and publish over at Hulry.
For example, I have a plethora of article ideas on my mind that I want to write and share with people worldwide.
But only a handful of those ideas make it to Hulry primarily because I don't think all of those ideas will resonate or gel well with the theme I've gradually created over at Hulry or be helpful to the audience reading the blog.
While that works excellently to handpick the cream of the crop from my ideas list, it leaves some potentially good ideas in the dust.
This public journal is an effort to make room for those misfits, the less structured and more free-flowing ideas that pop into my mind, like this one.
My aim for this journal is not to have any rules or structures. It will be an endless stream of unfiltered thoughts that might still be relevant to a few people.
I'm going to write like there's no one's watching. Are you in for the ride?